Onion Crop Report 2022

We are very pleased to present our Onion Crop Report 2022. The report gives a global market overview and specifies details for the producing countries of the USA, India, China and Egypt, as well as for Europe. The report also highlights  agricultural developments for a sustainable future. You can download the full crop report here. … Continued

Spices – August 2022

We released a new market update for Spices. Download here (pdf) > See all market updates

NFPP Cumin – June 2022

We released a new NFPP update for Cumin Download here (pdf) > See all NFPP updates

Spices – June 2022

We released a new market update for Spices. Download here (pdf) > See all market updates

Vietnamese cassia to be added to NFPP product range

Some years ago we defined 6 ‘Signature Products’. For these, Nedspice commits to invest in unrivaled expertise and long term sustainable capacity.  After successfully running the Nedspice Farmer Partnership Programme (NFPP) model for almost 10 years in pepper, cumin and turmeric, we finally kicked-off the NFPP roll-out for Cassia in Yen Bai. Over the next … Continued

Nedspice sponsors Erasmus Jazz Price 2022

On Sunday 24 April, the Erasmus Jazz Price 2022 took place in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The prestigious prize for up-and-coming jazz talent was organised by art school Codarts Rotterdam, the Friends of Codarts Foundation and Nedspice. The jury of four (existing of jazz experts and conservatorium teachers) was deeply impressed by the quality of all … Continued

NFPP Cumin – April 2022

We released a new NFPP update for Cumin Download here (pdf) > See all NFPP updates

Rainforest Alliance certification for Nedspice Binh Phuoc factory

Nedspice is happy to announce that it expanded its sustainable certifications and can now include Nedspice Binh Phuoc factory to their Rainforest Alliance certified factories. Nedspice’s newest factory in Binh Phuoc, Vietnam received a Rainforest Alliance certificate for black pepper, by which it follows in the footsteps of its established big brother in Binh Duong, … Continued

Spices – March 2022

We released a new market update for Spices. Download here (pdf) > See all market updates

Organic certification for 34 Vietnamese pepper farmers

Nedspice is proud to inform that we have passed Control Union’s independent audit and received organic certification for 34 farmers from Binh Phuoc province in Vietnam. These 34 farmers cultivate 86ha. of land and can jointly produce 250 tons of black pepper. Including these new certified farms, Nedspice now works together with 44 organic certified … Continued