Central Vietnam affected by floods and landslides

In October and November 2020 Vietnam has been plagued by consecutive tropical storms and typhoons. These storms brought widespread flooding and landslides to Central Vietnam, disrupting electricity and telecommunication networks, as well as destroying infrastructure, houses, livestock and crops. Local NGOs, volunteers and residents have been working tirelessly alongside the government to deliver aid to … Continued

Promotion of sustainable black pepper production in Vietnam

To promote sustainable agricultural practices Vietnam’s National television channel VTV2 recently broadcasted an interesting round table discussion on sustainable pepper production. Participants in the discussion were representatives of Vietnam’s National Agriculture Extension Centre (NAEC) and international non-profit organization IDH. Nedspice’ very own backward integration manager Le Thanh Hung also joined the discussion, where he spotlighted … Continued

Pepper Crop Report 2021

We are very pleased to present our Pepper Crop Report 2021. The report is full with valuable information on price trends, global production development and Covid-19 impact on pepper supply and demand. You can download the full report via the link below. Not in the mood to read, sit back, relax and watch the video … Continued

Dehydrated vegetables & herbs – October 2020

We released a new market update for Dehydrated vegetables & herbs. Download here (pdf) > See all market updates

Nedspice donates equipment to new Covid-19 Hospital in Cochin, India

The Taluk Government Hospital in Fort Cochin in India is being transformed into a dedicated Covid-19 hospital. This transformation is needed to help manage the surge in coronavirus cases and to alleviate the pressure on nearby hospitals, making sure non-Covid patients still have access to the care they need. To help develop Taluk Government Hospital … Continued

Spices – October 2020

We released a new market update for Spices. Download here (pdf) > See all market updates

Nedspice successful farmers Call Centre to be expanded to all NFPP India areas

Nedspice Call Centre in Rajasthan will be expanded to all operational areas of Nedspice Farmers Partnership Programme (NFPP) in India. The success of the first Nedspice call centre – covering the NFPP area in Rajasthan – justifies an expansion to the other NFPP areas in India. This means that NFPP farmers in Andhra Pradesh and … Continued

Spices – August 2020

We released a new market update for Spices. Download here (pdf) > See all market updates

Dehydrated vegetables & herbs – June 2020

We released a new market update for Dehydrated vegetables & herbs. Download here (pdf) > See all market updates

Nedspice plants Neem trees saplings in Kadapa, India

To promote the use of Neem trees, Nedspice provided 70 saplings free of charge to turmeric farmers in Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh in India. Neem trees (Azadirachta indica) play a major role in environmental restoration and agriculture. Maintaining soil fertility, reducing air pollution and improving ground water level are just some of the environmental benefits of … Continued